Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Aunt" Jemimah

This is Lily Kate. She is my sweet granddaughter full of life and her own very interesting take on this world. I always love to get her view on things I usually learn something. Her mom is going to have a baby. It took Lily a few days before she could grasp the idea of her mommy having a baby in her tummy after all Auntie Backle just had McKenna in her tummy and you could definitely tell that something was going on inside. It was big and round and even moved every now and again. She could touch it, feel it move, but her mommies tummy was just the same as it always was. It took her sister Iris to convince her that the whole thing wasn't a joke. Now come the questions. With much though she asked me one day if her mommy was going to have her tummy cut open like Backle. I explained that mommy would have her new baby brother or sister a different way, but it would be up to mommy to tell her how. Lily was fine with that and our conversation went on to more important things like could she have her candy that we had bought at the store for after dinner. A few days went by and my phone rang it was Jazzie, Lily's mommy, calling to tell me that she and Lily had had a little talk and she, like me, had learned a little something from having spent some time chatting with Lily. Now, as you know most families have names for certain areas of their children's anatomy. Jazz has always referred to the girls private parts as their "girl spots". This has been fine up until now. As Jazzie tried to explain that the new baby would emerge into this world via her girl spots. Lily looked very confused, so began the use of correct terminology. Mommy has a vagina, (the big V word), just like your girl spots, Jazzie explained and the baby slides through it and out the opening and into the world. Lily contemplated this new word and realized with much joy that she too had a Jemimah! Now, I ask you, my fellow sisters, isn't Jemimah a much sweeter word that the ol' "V" word? I say let us unite and together make the change. From now on we birth our children through our Jemimah, menstruate, make love... You get the picture. Historically it has been men who have come up with alternative names for that very sacred place. Now we as women can fight back and instead of some nasty and ugly name that a man has come up with we as women can stand together for change and embrace our JEMIMAH.


MissEllen said...

Wonderfully said. I had to restrain myself from yelling "Yes!" to my computer. Sign me up for the Jemimah fan club. At our house it has always been called a 'virginia' but Maxwell recently heard the real word and mispronounced it 'china'.

Lily Kate is a precious girl. I love the picture you put up of her. The eyes say it all...

And it got me to pondering: Look at all the beautiful women in the world because of you, Kimmie. Sarah, Jasmine, Jessica, Iris, Lily, Becky, Olivia, McKenna....

Hobby Mama said...

I have a Jemimah and I am cool. I love this.

Shannon said...

Just don't put syrup on it :)

Sarah Green said...

shannan is to funny!!! and lily to sweet!!!!

love ya all!!!!

Sarah Green said...

ellen u forgot Ava